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TJEP LB-18 T-nuts handtool [DISCONTINUED]

TJEP LB-18 T-nuts handtool
Item no. 119060
EAN no. 5702551190609
Size (L×W×H) 322 × 403 × 81 mm
Weight 3.20 kg

TJEP LB-18 T-nuts handtool has been discontinued and replaced by:
TJEP LB-13 T-nuts handtool

Item no.Product
872718 Driver unit
See the manuals online here:
iPaper Manual
iPaper CE Declaration of Conformity

Kyocera Unimerco Fastening A/S
2, Drejervej
7451 Sunds
Tel. +45 8987 8010

Did you know that TJEP was established in 1964?